Open my eyes at birth—the world a blur, Bright lights searing through innocence.
Lost, cold, confused—tiny whispers echos.
To scared to move, I cling to safety.
My bed becomes a sanctuary, a cocoon, where eyelids meet in quiet surrender. But wait! A distant sound—a creaking floor, Footsteps approaching, a nightmare unfolding.
The doorknob turns—an intruder, Breath held, heart racing, sweat on my brow. Footsteps approach, a presence I remember. Not tonight, I plead silently, my sisters close, Their presence a fragile shield against the unknown.
A shadow stretches across my room, Its edges sharp as letters carved in stone. Fear, like ink, stains the blanket of my soul, and in that darkness, my vision takes shape. And in that darkness a piercing cry, a silent plea. Paralyzed by fear, a stillness like death.
A darkness that swallows, a suffocating shroud. Fear, a poison, seeping into my being. Intruder!!! thief of light, how dare you come, to steal my sight!!
How dare you intruder, who do you think you are? Taking my vision, my chance at purity? You've corrupted me, taken a part of me, you've obstructed my view, a piece of me now lost, Forever searching, for what's forever gone.
Because of you, my touch turned frigid, void of grace,
Proper affection withheld, in apathy I've grown.
Bitter and naive, blind to love's gentle means,
You've cast a shadow where empathy should dwell,
Leaving me with only the harshest truths to unveil.